6 - What Next?

When I finished my degree in May I sat down with my classmates and talked about our future plans, for some these were specific, such as my friend now living in Berlin, who is doing a Masters in Comparative Literature at Kings College London next year, and others more vague, people who wanted to spend a year travelling away from the stress of studying and exams, to get some perspective on life. 

Interrailing Across Europe after Second Year

Another girl who studied English and French Joint Honours in the BA programme at UCD is spending the year back in Paris, teaching English to students in La Sorbonne, even living in the exact same apartment I stayed in on my Erasmus year.

 Me I knew that I wanted to pursue my passion for American writing further by doing the MA in American Literature in UCD. For me it was a no-brainer – I already knew that the head of the course, Professor Ron Callan was a significant Americanist and at the Graduate Open Day I’d been really impressed by the modules of the course as well as lecturers including Frank Mc Guinness, the famous playwright, who would be lecturing us on American Theatre. 

While I looked at similar Masters courses both elsewhere in Ireland and abroad none appealed to me and catered to my passions like the one in UCD, and, with the new Student Centre opening that year with the promise of further world class facilities such as the Olympic-size pool, 3D cinema and new theatre I knew I wasn’t quite ready to leave UCD. I felt that it had much more to give me and me to it.

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