1 - How I Ended Up Here

When I was in secondary school I really hadn’t a clue. All I knew was what I didn’t want to do, and throughout sixth year my CAO form became covered in pen from all the crossing off of courses and adding of others, until I’d eventually whittled it down to ten, all of which I realised were firmly set in the humanities. My school guidance counsellor once told me that he thought I was an aesthete, and I almost feel like I embarked on an English degree at UCD if only to find out what that word actually meant!

At school I had broad interests so for my Leaving Cert did a bit of everything – one subject from business, one science and one foreign language. I’m not exactly sure when I realised that the humanities were the thing for me. When at the UCD Open Day in sixth year I saw the breadth of subjects available to me, as well as the size of the departments in UCD Arts I was beginning to make up my mind. 

The Arts Block

Coming from Louth the big campus vibe really appealed to me - UCD seemed like a town full of young people, and I wanted to be a part of that. Big enough so that you wouldn’t be forever running across people you didn’t want to talk to but yet small enough so you could easily bump into your classmate or friend getting coffee or in the bar.